Posted on 3/3/2020
You see the warning light above illuminate on your dashboard and wonder - do I get three wishes? Just kidding. Although this warning light may look like a Genie's lamp, it is actually a very important warning indication. This light indicates low oil, which is one of those warning indicators that you should never ignore. Actually, when you see this light on, it is vital to stop your engine and avoid driving. Here's why! Your vehicle requires oil to run - that is a given, considering you have to get your vehicle's oil changed every 3 to 6 months. Without the proper levels of oil, your engine is at risk for some serious damage. This is because engine oil has the important job of lubricating the engine and its parts to reduce the wear of working components and ensure that the engine temperature is regulated. When you take the engine oil away, you get metal to metal contact and and overheating engine - and a very sad wallet. Typically, this warning light will come on whe ... read more
Posted on 1/31/2020
You're driving along on your merry way when suddenly you feel that drop on one side of your vehicle and a harsh pull from the hole - you've hit a pothole. Potholes in the road aren't only an annoyance, but can also cause damage to our vehicles. Sometimes they can't be avoided, especially when they are dead set in the path of your tires. How does a pothole form? A pothole happens when soil beneath the road pavement weakens. It usually happens after winter when water and ice finds its way underneath the pavement. This weakens the soil beneath and when cars drive over these areas in the spring, potholes begin to form. If you do end up hitting a pothole, be sure to check the following parts for any signs of damage: Tires - the tires are at the forefront of the impact, so typically they take the biggest blow. Damage to the tires from potholes can include bulges, tread separation, tears, and more. Wheels - a pothole can put a dent in your wheels an ... read more
Posted on 12/31/2019
We know that leaving your house in the morning during the winter time can be stressful when you see that your car's windshield is completely frozen over. Plus, you don't have the extra time to sit and wait for your defroster to do the work. The following hack is a smart way to fast track your windshield's defrosting process and get you back on the road quickly. Here are the steps to take for our quick defrosting hack: You'll need to have rubbing alcohol on hand. The solution is two parts alcohol and one part water. Make sure that the water you use is not hold. Room temperature or cold water will work well. Hot water can crack your windshield due to the difference in temperature between the hot water and cold windshield. Before putting the solution on your windshield, protect your hands with rubber gloves. Put the alcohol and water solution into a spray bottle. Spray the mixture onto your windshield. Continuing adding the solution until ... read more
Posted on 12/3/2019
Happy Thanksgiving from all of us here at Olympic Transmissions & Auto Care! The holidays around this time of year mean that many people will be traveling to and from to visit friends and family. While traveling can be fun, making sure that your vehicle is in good condition before you leave is the most important thing you can do. This will not only guarantee that your vehicle is reliable, but it will ensure your safety and the safety of others on the road. A pre-road trip inspection during the holidays is very important to have completed before you embark on your trip. Be sure to have your vehicle inspected by the experts here at Olympic Transmissions & Auto Care before you hit the road. Getting stuck on the side of the road can ruin your vacation and cost you thousands depending on the situation. We want to keep you safe and secure throughout your journey. We recommend the following travel tips this winter: Make sure you check the weather forecast of your ... read more
Posted on 10/25/2019
It's that time of the year when our favorite football teams go head to head and we as fans get to show our pride for our teams. If you're planning on attending a one or two games this season or are a season ticket holder, remembering a few car safety tips when it comes traveling to the game can help ensure that you arrive there and back safely and that you have a great time! Make sure you have cash on you, just in case. Many football or sports games will require paying for parking, and usually only cash is accepted. Know your route - be sure to know where the parking is and how to get there. Often times looking up directions to a stadium won't take you to parking, so looking up surrounding parking will save you time and stress. Bring lots of water and some snacks for the car ride. If its a big game, chances are you may find yourself in the car for an extended period of time. If you're planning on tailgating, make sure you are prepared with ev ... read more
Posted on 9/25/2019
The job of your car's alternator is to ensure that the battery remains charged while driving and it also provides current for electrical components such as the power windowns, radio, lights, and more. While often times when your car won't start up or you suspect an electrical issue your mind goes to the battery, the alternator is often a culprit of these symptoms. Both your vehicle's battery and altnerator can actually be removed from your vehicle and brought into any auto repair shop or auto parts store for testing. The testing will essentially test the charge of these components and will determine whether or not either of these components are the problem. Other electrical components can also cause issues with your car starting and electrical components such as bad wiring or circuits. Here are the common causes of a failed alternator: Bad Rectifier Diodes Bad Shaft Bearings Bad Wiring Bad Brushes Broken Alternator Belt Blown Out Fuses If your car ... read more
Posted on 8/27/2019
Whether you're a parent who will be driving your kids to school, or you're a student planning on driving yourself, the back to school season can be hectic in the beginning - ironing out your schedule and figuring out your morning routine. Driving during the back to school season can be hectic, which is why it is important to prepare yourself as much as possible for the road. Here are some key items we recommend packing into your vehicle to have on hand throughout the school season: Jumper cables - these will come in handy if you find yourself in a nostart situation while at school or other location away from home Emergency phone numbers - important numbers such as towing services, auto repair shops, etc. that will be necessary in the event of an emergency, breakdown, or accident Non-perishable snacks and water - these can definitely be of use when on the road, and if you get hungry in the middle of the school day. It is also great to have snacks on hand for the ... read more
Posted on 7/31/2019
Your vehicle's brakes are important to the overall operation of your vehicle. They allow you to slow and stop when needed, and without working brakes, your safety on the road can be compromised. This is why we always recommend that a brake inspection is needed at the first sign of a problem with your brakes. An issue with your vehicle's brakes can show itself in a number of different ways, whether it be that your brakes just aren't working like they used to or you start to hear a strange squealing noise when pressing down on the brake pedal. Any sign can indicate an issue and can be a cause for concern. As soon as you notice anything different with your vehicle's brakes, don't hesitate to get to your local trust auto repair shop as soon as possible. Here are some of the brake signs that you should never ignore: Brake pedal feel spongy Brake pedal goes to the floor Car vibrates when braking Change in brake performance (takes longer to brake)  ... read more
Posted on 6/30/2019
Gas prices are always on the rise, and we understand that it can be frustrating when you own a vehicle that isn’t that great when it comes to gas mileage. You may have considered buying a new car with better gas mileage, but luckily there are ways that you can improve your current vehicle’s gas mileage. Here are some ways on how to improve your car’s gas mileage: Stay on top of your vehicle’s regular maintenance and service - this will make sure that all of your vehicle’s components are working at their best and will give you the best fuel efficiency from your car Drive smarter and smoother - try not to hit the gas or brakes hard while driving. Give yourself plenty of time to speed up and slow down. This will give you the best gas mileage. Try to avoid driving during traffic, if possible - stop and go traffic burns up our fuel faster than anything else. Avoiding heavily trafficked areas will give you the best fuel effi ... read more