Posted on 12/13/2020
If your car begins to have starting issues when you turn the key in the ignition, you could be facing a fuel injector problem. Old fuel and gas residue often get caught inside the fuel injector and can result in your ignition not wanting to turn on at startup. With that being said, there are a few simple basics you should know about fuel injectors and how they work. There are a few basics you should know about fuel injectors and how they work. The fuel injector receives the gas through the fuel pump, which feeds it through. From there, the fuel injector "injects" it into the intake manifold with the utmost precision. After that, both oxygen and fuel mix within that manifold before undergoing the final process of compression within the combustion chamber, which is where it officially powers your engine right at ignition. Driving problems will sometimes have their roots in dirty or clogged fuel injectors. Since the fuel injector is primarily responsible for the even flow of y ... read more