Posted on 6/30/2019
Gas prices are always on the rise, and we understand that it can be frustrating when you own a vehicle that isn’t that great when it comes to gas mileage. You may have considered buying a new car with better gas mileage, but luckily there are ways that you can improve your current vehicle’s gas mileage. Here are some ways on how to improve your car’s gas mileage: Stay on top of your vehicle’s regular maintenance and service - this will make sure that all of your vehicle’s components are working at their best and will give you the best fuel efficiency from your car Drive smarter and smoother - try not to hit the gas or brakes hard while driving. Give yourself plenty of time to speed up and slow down. This will give you the best gas mileage. Try to avoid driving during traffic, if possible - stop and go traffic burns up our fuel faster than anything else. Avoiding heavily trafficked areas will give you the best fuel effi ... read more