Posted on 6/24/2020

When it comes to the summer, many drivers don't realize that the intense heat can take a toll on our vehicles. This is for a number of reasons, including the temperature increase, traffic, and using our vehicles more frequently. It's also common for vehicle owners to have trouble starting their cars during the summer. However, can the heat actually drain your car battery? Your vehicle's battery is important because it helps power your vehicle upon start-up and helps to keep your electrical components running. The anatomy of the battery is much like a battery you use at home like a AA battery in the sense that your battery runs on battery acid. Without battery acid, the battery doesn't work anymore and loses its "juice". What happens is, the warmer weather actually causes battery acid to evaporate quicker. This decrease in battery acid can cause a decrease in the battery's overall function and eventually lead you to need a new battery.  ... read more