Posted on 11/30/2020

Winter, Christmas, white snow covering everything – sounds lovely doesn’t it? It really is! However, with the cold weather that winter brings, there are certain car care things you need to know. Let us look at some car maintenance tips:Coolant Do you know what the role of the coolant is during the winter? Its purpose is to make sure that the water in your car’s cooling system doesn’t freeze over the cold nights. As you can guess, that is of the highest importance, so check the amount and condition of your coolant. The coolant should be a mixture of antifreeze and water in an about 50/50 ratio but that may vary based on the type of antifreeze you have chosen. Battery Put in simple words – your car’s battery performance may suffer in the winter due to the low temperatures. This is due to the fact that the vehicle requires a stronger current from the battery in order to start the engine. You can c ... read more