Posted on 11/9/2021

An engine head gasket is a ringed panel that is located between the engine block and cylinder head. Its primary function is to barricade the cylinders from potential coolant leaks or oil leaks. The head gasket is situated next to one of the hottest parts of your car. And when your engine is on the brink of overheating, it can cause the head gasket to fail. A blown head gasket can cause immense destruction to your motor, and a professional should inspect it as soon as it’s safe to do so. To prevent this catastrophe from happening, you need to look out for any of these three warnings: Engine Misfiring and Rough Idling Depending on your car, sometimes you can find some head gaskets between combustion chambers. If you have a blown head gasket, the assemblies can not withstand the stress and pressure, which will result in rough idling and engine misfiring. White Exhaust Smoke Coolant could escape into the combustion chamber if a leak exists within the system and get burned a ... read more